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Special Bible Presentation - Sunday 11th October, 6:30pm

You are invited to join us for a special presentation at 6:30pm on Sunday the 11th October (17 Alexandra Place, Bedford, MK40 1HT) exploring the Bible Message about

"What Will Happen When Jesus Returns?"

file0001011949685 All who are interested in learning more about God’s word the Bible and how it can change our life are welcome. We believe that the Bible is inspired by God’s and all our talks are based around His Word. Our Bible Presentation evenings open with a hymn, Bible reading and prayer (we stand for the hymns and prayers). Hymn books and bible are available to use. This is followed by the bible based presentation, which on the 11th will be lead by Mr Bernard Burt (Coventry West Christadelphian Ecclesia). To conclude the evening we close with another hymn and prayer.
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