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Biblical Baptism

Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved... that was the instruction that Jesus gave to his disciples nearly 2000 years ago and it still remains to this day, for those who truly want to obey and follow his teaching, they have to believe and be baptised. But what does baptism entail? and what is its significance? The word baptism comes from a Greek word that means immersion, dipping, plunging; it does not mean sprinkling. In John’s gospel record chapter 3 we read that John the Baptist baptised at a place where there was a lot of water. He needed it so that people could be completely immersed. In baptism the believer is completely buried in water, and the reason for that says the apostle Paul when he wrote to believers at Rome Don’t you know, that all of us who were baptised into Christ were baptised into his death. We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. Baptism then as well as being an act of obedience, is a means by which we can symbolically associate ourselves with the death and resurrection of Jesus. For without the sacrifice of Christ, we would have no hope. But baptism is only a beginning, afterwards as Paul also says, We also should walk in newness of life. Our belief in the Lord Jesus is then shown by our attempts in our daily lives to follow his teachings and keep his commandments. 10255938_10153021901951421_1180816094444537194_n